How Much Does Preschool Cost for the McKee Program?

This page is all about preschool pricing and how to make a payment for each affordable preschool semester with our program. Below you can find the breakdown for preschool fees per semester. For information about morning sessions, afternoon sessions (or both), take a look at our classes and times schedule.  As a reminder, you can register year round, so no need to wait for the semester to start. 


Have questions? Take a look at our school policies or contact us at 801-831-2290 to learn more about other services and available discounts.

  • Core Program lunch care
  • Pre-arranged late pick-up and early drop-off
  • Other (walking child from corner preschool, etc)

Make A Payment


Pay Semester In Full
Pay Year In Full + Pre-Paid Flex


Pay In Full + Pre-Paid Flex

*There is an additional 3% surcharge fee to pay online. If you would rather pay with an e-check, please give us a call at (801) 374-8854

*If choosing the Pre-Paid Flex option, please note the number of days in the "quantity" field after clicking the Pay Now button.


Thank you!